
P13.6B Equity Placement
P13.6B Equity Placement
Jul. 10, 2012
Open File
87 KB
Ownership structure and foreign ownership as of June 30, 2012
Ownership structure and foreign ownership as of June 30, 2012
Jul. 09, 2012
Open File
101 KB
Clarification of news article regarding potential strategic partnership with Ortigas family
Clarification of news article regarding potential strategic partnership with Ortigas family
Jul. 09, 2012
Open File
86 KB
Launch of Phase 1 of Vertis North
Launch of Phase 1 of Vertis North
Jul. 05, 2012
Open File
78 KB
Amended certification of Independent Director
Amended certification of Independent Director
Jul. 04, 2012
Open File
75 KB